Was the Norton option on the client or the server? I am experiencing a similiar problem, which I'm thinking is partially firewall-related. It's a WinNT4/Sp6a server running RAS. A local Win2K server can create a successful VPN connection, but I cannot with a Win2K Pro at home. It hangs on the verifying username and password stage and I

(Edit: I figured mine out. Apparently at some point during the course of troubleshooting, the copy of the VM that was moved to the Workstation 6.5 host had the Cisco VPN subsystem service disabled. This service causes a conflict with MS's PPtP VPN. Disabling the Cisco service on the copy of the VM on the Server2 host, then PPtP works. Oct 22, 2008 · I use a PPTP VPN that shows the same problem in 1903. If I create the VPN through the Control Panel, it does not work. But if I do it through Settings and then modify it through the Control Panel, it works perfectly. I hope this helps someone Virtual Private Networking → MS VPN from XP to XP over Internet The client hangs while "Verifying username and password is not used with PPTP VPN and those ports should be closed. Sep 06, 2004 · Type a password in the Password and Confirm Password dialog boxes. Clear the User Must Change Password at Next Logon field and click Next. Open the User tac Properties box. Switch to the Dial-In tab. Under Remote Access Permission (Dial-in or VPN), click Allow Access, then click OK. Configuring Users If No Active Directory is Installed The issue is that a Windows XP VPN client on the Internet cannot VPN into my ISA 2000 Server. The VPN client hangs at the Verifying Username and Password and then disconnects. Details: In front of the ISA Server is a linksys router with a WAN port IP of 66.x.x.x and a lan port of The Linksys Router is performing NAT.

PPTP there since in the operating system Windows NT server and Windows NT Workstation version 4.0. Computers that run these operating systems can use the PPTP Protocol to safely connect with private network as a client with remote access via the internet. PPTP can also be used by a computer that is connected to the LAN to make VPN via LAN.

The PPTP VPN client will appear to connect, get to a "Verifying Username and Password" message and hang there. The "Verifying Username and Password" stage requires the GRE tunnel to be functional. Some NATs/PATs may support a single PPTP+GRE for a single user behind the NAT/PAT, but a second PPTP+GRE from either the same user or a different Aug 08, 2009 · Hi everyone! I just installed Windows 7 today. I installed everything and came to make a VPN account on Windows 7! I got through all steps, it even shows me the "Verifying Username and password" message but just after that it goes to other things that i have NO IDEA what they are! I had never seen them on XP! and i think the problem is with that! Feb 18, 2009 · Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 18:04 Post subject: PPTP Error: 619 Hangs at Username and Password: Alright. Iv been trying for days to get the PPTP VPN working. Its the best I can do because I don't have enough space to install OpenVPN. Im running a WRT54GS v1 with v24 SP2 Nokaid SVN 11218M NEWD Eko. Everything seems to work fine except for the PPTP VPN.

100% Free VPN PPTP India servers account every day with unlimited bandwidth. We 100% safe with 3 years experience. Create username and password whatever you want.

(Edit: I figured mine out. Apparently at some point during the course of troubleshooting, the copy of the VM that was moved to the Workstation 6.5 host had the Cisco VPN subsystem service disabled. This service causes a conflict with MS's PPtP VPN. Disabling the Cisco service on the copy of the VM on the Server2 host, then PPtP works. Oct 22, 2008 · I use a PPTP VPN that shows the same problem in 1903. If I create the VPN through the Control Panel, it does not work. But if I do it through Settings and then modify it through the Control Panel, it works perfectly. I hope this helps someone