IP geolocation is the mapping of an IP address to the geographic location of the internet from the connected device. By geographically mapping the IP address, it provides you with location information such as the country, state, city, zip code, latitude/longitude, ISP, area code, and other information.

Failed to lookup for this IP address: You have exceeded your daily usage quota. This demo uses data from IP2Location DB24 geolocation database and IP2Proxy PX10 anonymous proxy database for results. Free IP Lookup Geolocation API • • • ** ** ** About IP Location Lookup Tool. IP Location lookup tool provides you information about a person's real IP address location. Either you changed your server's location, or you are using VPN and want to confirm either your active internet connection is your VPN or your home or office wifi, then this tool is best for you. IP Location Lookup. Our IP Address lookup location tool allows you to get an idea of geolocation of an internet user if you know his IP address. Results of IP address lookup will show country, region, city, ISP, TimeZone, Currency, Dailing code etc. Visit what is my ip live home page to check your own public and local IPv4 and IPv6 address IP geolocation is the mapping of an IP address to the geographic location of the internet from the connected device. By geographically mapping the IP address, it provides you with location information such as the country, state, city, zip code, latitude/longitude, ISP, area code, and other information. Free service to locate an IP address on Google Maps. This geo IP tool is useful to know where is located an IP address on Google Maps, so you can trace the IP address location. When you submit an IP address, this service gathers the IP coordinates (latitude and longitude) and then it uses Google Maps to show you the approximate location. The Geo-location & Country Lookup tool attempts to pinpoint which country an IP address is "associated" with using information from the RIRs (regional Internet registries) and other locational data. The resulting Geo-location answer is more accurate than basing the answer on just information available from the RIRs using “Whois”.

Free IP Address Lookup Tool | IPAddressGuide

Our tools include checking your public IP as well as checking the physical location of IP owner. This service is 100% free and provided by third-party sites in the form of Geo-Location databases and APIs. This tool shows your IP by default. However, you can type any IP Address … Top 10 Best IP Geolocation APIs (2020) [34+ Reviewed] Jul 09, 2020

IP location API – Geolocation API – The API Company

Free Google Locate IP Address and Domain Lookup Service with Whois Map, Country Map, Region Map ,City Map and free XML Interface to query Whois Geolocate information. for the IP address and the Hostname msnbot-207-46-13-37.search.msn.com An IP Lookup is defined as finding the geographical location (or related information like currency, timezone etc.) of an IP address. The lookup can be done either with our API or website. For example, with a plan of 60,000 IP Lookups / month, you can find the location of 60,000 IP addresses in a month. IP2Location™ is a non-intrusive IP location lookup technology that retrieves geolocation information with no explicit permission required from users. All you need is your client’s IP address. IP-address lookup. The IP-address is used by the IP location API to lookup the exact information outlined above. Other IP location API's often require the IP-address to lookup this information. This API automatically detects the IP-address and presents this to you. The API is able to detect both IPv4 and IPv6 IP-addresses. About IP Address Whois Lookup Tool. T he IP Address Whois Lookup tool provided in this website will enable you to obtain the IP Address owner information. You will be able to get the abuse, technical and administrative contact information such as the owner name, contact email, address and telephone number. IP addresses are assigned by international organisations like ARIN or RIPE. Every assignment is public information and with other public available records it is possible to do a rough calculation of the geographical location of an IP address. Just type a domain name or IP address and click the Go button.